Acupuncture treatments are tailored to each individual client, therefore all new clients will need an initial acupuncture assessment to determine what treatment strategy will be best for them. This session usually takes an hour and a half, but can be a bit longer or shorter depending on issues.
A full hour or so to reassess treatment strategy and have plenty of time on the table for both a front and back acupuncture treatment. Cupping, acupressure, electro acupuncture, moxibustion/heat therapy and tens may be part of the treatment.
A shorter acupuncture session if less treatment time is required. Cupping, acupressure, electro acupuncture, moxibustion/heat therapy and tens may be part of the treatment.
35 to 40 mins in duration.
A 25 minute acupuncture treatment designed to calm the nervous system and relax the body. Head massage is a part of this treatment.
All prices include tax. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, email transfer, debit or credit card. Sliding scale options available.